Emergency Personnel Responsibilities & Procedures
I. Fire Safety Director
- Definition: The ASU Nursing and Health facilities specialist serves as the central point of contact for all communication during an emergency which includes:
- Communicating regularly to the unit safety officers.
- Acting as liaison to emergency personnel.
- In the event of a fire or fire alarm, the fire safety director will:
- Ensure that the appropriate emergency authorities have been notified immediately whenever there is a fire, alarm, or emergency of any nature.
- Be present and highly visible in front of primary assembly area so that all unit safety officers can efficiently report floor/employee evacuation status:
- Monitor building access.
- Upon receiving “all clear” from the Fire Department or appropriate authorities, sound “all clear” to evacuees.
- Communicate accordingly with all unit safety officers to debrief incident.
II. Floor Wardens
- Definition: Each floor of a building shall be under the direction of unit safety officers according to building protocol for the evacuation of occupants in the event of a fire or alarm.
- Safety Officers/Floor Wardens have an important role to play by observing the fire safety guidelines provided in training and should be continually on the lookout for such things as:
- Possible malfunctioning fire extinguishers
- Fire exits that are blocked
- Missing keys for exits
- The fire evacuation diagrams.
- Other possible hazards identified should be reported immediately to the Fire Safety/Prevention division of the ASU Department of Environmental Health & Safety.
- Unit safety officers shall notify the fire safety director of all mobility-impaired occupants who may require special assistance in the event of an evacuation.
- Occupants not requiring assistance will evacuate first. This avoids the possibility of persons in need of assistance being bumped and/or falling down, thus slowing evacuation and/or causing injury.
- If there is any evidence of fire, persons having mobility impairment should be positioned near the fire exit/stairwell that is located farthest away from the fire.
- If fire conditions pose a personal threat, the unit safety officer or person assisting should enter into the exit/stairwell with the person(s) needing special assistance and wait for the fire department.
- If fire conditions pose a personal threat in the stairwell, the mobility-impaired person(s) should be evacuated to a safe location.
- Each unit safety officer shall be familiar with: the ASU Nursing and Health Evacuation Plan; the location of exits; and the location and operation fire extinguishers and pull stations.
- In addition, all unit safety officers shall be familiar with the evacuation assembly areas and must be familiar with floor layouts and office occupants.
- In the event of a fire or alarm, the unit safety officer - when it can be done safely – shall:
- Notify the Fire Department and the Fire Safety Director, when possible.
- Direct the evacuation of the floor in accordance with directions received and the following guidelines:
- On hearing the fire alarm, unit safety officers should immediately begin to evacuate his/her area and ensure employees are taking appropriate action to leave.
- The unit safety officer shall select the nearest and safest exit/stairwell to use for evacuation on the basis of the location of the fire and any information received. If it is affected by smoke, an alternate exit/stairwell shall be selected.
- After allowing time for the main body of people to evacuate, and only if safe to do so, unit safety officers should then check the rooms/cubicles in the immediate area.
- A volunteer (other than the unit safety officers) should be assigned to each individual within a department with disabilities (buddy system) to assist that individual to a designated rescue area, stair landing, or with evacuation procedures.
- When all team members have left the area, unit safety officers must leave the building via the nearest available exit.
- At either meeting place (Primary or Secondary assembly areas) unit safety officers should review team rosters and alert fire safety director of missing individuals.
- Communicate whether all staff has exited the building to fire safety director and to emergency personnel.
- The unit safety officers on the fire floor shall, as soon as practical, notify the fire safety director of the conditions.
- Unit safety officers are to provide reassembly directions to all team members in their respective areas.
- It is your responsibility to inform the alternate unit safety officer for your team in the event of vacation, leave of absence, transfer, sickness, etc., in order to make necessary revisions regarding replacements or substitutes.
III. Evacuation Procedures for People with Disabilities
The following guidelines have been adopted by the ASU campuses to assist in planning for the evacuation of people with physical disabilities or limitations.
- In ALL EMERGENCIES, after an evacuation has been ordered:
- People with disabilities should evacuate themselves from the building if possible.
- If safe to do so, assist persons with disabilities (as indicated by that person), or direct them to the nearest stairwell. Notify emergency personnel of the person’s location.
- DO NOT use elevators, unless authorized to do so by police or fire personnel.
- If an individual with a disability cannot evacuate themselves from the building, they should go to the nearest stairwell - if it is safe to do so - and alert someone who is evacuating from the building that they are trapped there.
- Check on people with special needs during an evacuation. A "buddy system", where people with disabilities arrange for volunteers (co-workers/ neighbors) to alert them and assist them in an emergency, is a good method.
- Attempt a rescue evacuation ONLY if you have had rescue training or the person is in immediate danger and cannot wait for professional assistance.
- Always ASK someone with a disability how you can help BEFORE attempting any rescue technique or giving assistance. Ask how he or she can best be assisted or moved, and whether there are any special considerations or items that need to come with the person.
- Notify police or fire personnel immediately about any people remaining in the building and their locations.
- Police or fire personnel will decide whether people are safe where they are and will evacuate them as necessary. The fire department may determine whether it is safe to override the rule against using elevators.
IV. Important Things to Know
- The roof is not an approved exit.
- When the fire department arrives, the senior officer is in command.
- The three most critical areas for immediate evacuation are:
- The floor on which the emergency is occurring – a.k.a., ‘the fire floor’.
- One (1) floor above the fire floor.
- One (1) floor below the fire floor.
- During fire alarms (including drills), elevators become inoperable - they do not work.
V. General Emergency Procedures
Medical Emergencies
In case of a medical emergency within your team or observed by you, it is recommended that you:
- Remain calm to best of your abilities.
- Call 9-1-1 and advise them of the medical emergency.
- Give the operator the following information:
- Nature of the medical emergency; if possible, also include information on possible cause and/or medical history.
- Address: Please be familiar with our building addresses.
- Health South, 500 N 3rd St, Phoenix, AZ 85004
- Health North, 550 N 3rd St, Phoenix, AZ 85004
- Mercado A, 641 E Van Buren, Phoenix, AZ 85004
- Mercado C, 502 E Van Buren Phoenix, AZ 85004
- Mercado E, 602 E Van Buren Phoenix, AZ 85004
- Mercado F, 642 E Van Buren Phoenix, AZ 85004
- Floor and Location (Suite #) of the Emergency
- Remain on the phone call until the 9-1-1 operator ends the phone call.
Bomb Threats
It has been proven that a large majority of bomb threat calls are false alarms meant to disrupt the normal work of a person or company. However, at no time should any threat be regarded as just another false alarm. The following guide will be useful.
- When a bomb threat is received, there are several things to do:
- Keep the caller on the line as long as possible. Ask the caller to repeat the message.
- Obtain as much detail from the caller as possible. Ask questions such as:
- WHEN will it detonate?
- WHERE is it located?
- WHAT type of bomb /weapon is it?
- WHY are you doing this?
- WHO are you?
- Note characteristics surrounding the call and caller. For example:
- Time of call
- Caller’s phone number if displayed on caller ID
- Exact words of caller
- Gender
- Does the voice sound familiar?
- Accents and speech patterns
- Does the caller seem intoxicated or under the influence?
- Background noises
- Time the call is ended
- Tell the caller the building is occupied and it might cause the deaths of many innocent people.
- At the end of the call, immediately notify ASU Police: Dial 9-1-1 from any campus phone or for non-emergencies: (480) 965-3456.
- Immediately cease operation of cell phones, and radio equipment (e.g., paging systems, walkie-talkies, wireless gadgets, etc.) within the concerned area. Such equipment can cause premature bomb detonation.
- Notify your supervisor about the "Bomb Threat Call." DO NOT discuss the bomb threat with anyone other than police, building management, and your supervisor.
- Quickly and thoroughly search your area for suspicious, unusual or foreign items. Do not touch, move, jar, disturb, or cover any suspicious items that are found. Leave the area and report any findings to the police.
- If an explosion occurs, call 911 and report the following information:
- Your name, floor, suite number and phone number
- Exact location of the explosion
- Probable cause of the explosion, if known
- Any reasons you have to believe the explosion was caused by a bomb.
- Extent of casualties and number and type of injuries.
- Whether explosion caused a fire, if so, location of fire.
- Move or evacuate employees and visitors from your area(s) and affected area(s) if necessary.
Natural Disasters and Other Emergencies
- Hurricanes and Tornadoes
In most cases advance warning in the event of a tornado is not possible. Therefore, if a tornado is sighted approaching the building, notify management and begin moving your people towards core area rooms, including rest rooms and stairwells in the building. The greatest danger will be that of flying glass and objects, therefore, attempt to relocate where the maximum number of walls are between you and the exterior of the building (i.e. an internal hallway).- Action to be taken for Hurricanes and Tornadoes
- Move away from the perimeter of the building and all exterior glass.
- Leave your exterior office and close the door.
- Go to an interior place without windows or glass.
- Sit down and put your head as close to your lap as possible.
- DO NOT go to the first floor lobby or outside the building.
- Earthquakes
The area near the exterior walls of a building is the most dangerous place to be. Windows, facades and architectural details are often the first parts of the building to collapse. To stay away from this danger zone, stay inside if you are inside and outside if you are outside.- Action to be taken for Earthquakes
“Drop, Cover, and Hold On”, can save lives and reduce your risk of death and injury. During earthquakes:- Drop to the floor
- Take cover under a sturdy desk or table, and hold on to it firmly.
- Be prepared to move with it until the shaking stops.
Keep Calm
- Where applicable, monitor for alerts via local radio or television, internet, smartphone apps, etc.
- Do not use the telephone to get information or advice. Keep the lines open for emergency calls only.
VI. Safety Resources
- ASU LiveSafe mobile app
- LiveSafe connects smartphone users to ASU Police dispatch and 9-1-1 services.
- Reports and anonymous tips can be sent to ASU Police using the app and can include chat, photos, audio, and video.
- For more details about the app, and directions on downloading it, visit https://cfo.asu.edu/livesafe-mobile-app.
- ASU Alerts & Advisory system
- ASU’s Alert and Advisory system allows ASU to provide and update critical instructions in real-time through text messages, emails, social media and RSS.
- Alerts communicate primarily life-threatening situations to the ASU community. An Advisory is a tier below an ASU Alert and communicates situations that may not be life-threatening and typically affect specific areas of a campus.
- To learn more about the system, including how to subscribe to notifications, visit https://cfo.asu.edu/alerts-and-advisories.
- ASU Safety and Awareness Training
- ASU Police maintains an online list of safety tips and training classes. For the latest tips and course offerings, visit https://cfo.asu.edu/police-training.
- Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Resources
- The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) supports citizens and first responders to prepare for, prevent, respond to and recover from hazards and disasters.
- The FEMA website provides emergency and disaster management information on numerous scenarios ranging from national to local scale.
- The FEMA App is available for download and provides safety tips and weather alerts. Visit www.fema.gov for more details.
- The Ready Campaign (Ready.Gov)
- Ready is a FEMA-sponsored national campaign to educate and empower Americans to prepare for, and respond to, emergencies including natural and man-made disasters. The goal is to promote public awareness and increase basic preparedness nationwide.
- The Ready website is a large repository of emergency and safety information. To learn more, visit www.ready.gov
- Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Locations
AED devices are located at every floor near either elevators, restrooms, and/or main corridors. - Fire Extinguishers and Fire Alarm Pulls
Fire Extinguishers and Fire Alarm Pulls are located on each floor near the stairwell doors.
Employees are expected to become familiar with the fire extinguishers and fire alarm pulls closest to their workspace.