Environmental Health & Safety


Rows of Fire Extinguishers


Fire Prevention & Safety

Fire prevention and safety is responsible for fire code compliance and general campus safety. The ASU Fire Marshal’s office provides a fire prevention and safety plan and conducts regular inspections of all university facilities to ensure fire safety code compliance in addition:

  • Conducts fire drills to ensure safe evacuations of ASU facilities
  • Monitor compressed gas cylinder storage and use
  • Reviews permits, plan reviews and inspections of remodels and construction of life safety systems on campus
  • Services and inspects Automated External Defibrillator (AED) on campus
  • Services and inspects fire extinguishers on campus
  • Special events require a registration and a Fire Marshal permit
  • “What To Do - Bomb Threat”

All employees are required to complete annual fire safety/fire prevention training.

In advance of an emergency, determine the nearest exits to your location and the best routes to follow. If time permits during evacuation, secure your workplace and take personal items such as; keys for car and house, prescription medication, wallets/ purse.

In most emergencies, complete evacuation of the campus is not necessary. If, however, there is a major hazardous materials release, flood, or other major incident, it may be necessary to relocate all University personnel to a safer location.


Evacuation from a building

  • Walk, do not run.
  • Do not use elevators.
  • If safe to do so, assist people with mobility impairments as indicated by that person, or direct to the nearest stairwell, and contact ASU Police or local law enforcement agency for assistance.
  • Gather outside at a designated assembly area. There your supervisor/senior person will take roll and account for all personnel.
  • Do not return to your building until instructed from ASU Police or local law enforcement agency, EH&S, or other responders in charge of the scene.

 ***Use the EH&S Assistant to view and manage your training & registration.

Register Here

Your Department Facilities Specialist has your department emergency plan and should have steps on file to execute in case of emergency.


Office safety

Arizona State University (ASU) academic, research, and ancillary support operations, e.g., administrative services departments and student organizations, have office work space and office environments to support each department or unit on campus. Occupational Safety and Health regulations (OSHA) require the university to maintain a safe work environment for all employees. EH&S has developed office safety compliance guidelines that are designed to address general safety issues in office settings.

EH&S offers an Office Safety at ASU course that covers multiple office safety related hazards and preventions, including: 

  • back injury
  • chemical awareness
  • collisions
  • ergonomics
  • slips, trips and falls

Department specific classes can also be scheduled and customized to meet your department-specific needs. Contact your Department Facilities Specialist for assistance.


Workplace & Community Safety

Workplace safety is coordinated by EH&S Occupational health and safety (OH&S), which provides compliance guidance, training and technical support to the ASU community necessary to address safety and health, regulatory compliance and related risks. EH&S trainers are part of this organization and coordinate all EH&S provided training and manage associated records.

OH&S conducts inspections of laboratories, shops, maintenance and service facilities for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and related regulatory compliance and ensures corrective action is implemented to address findings. OH&S also addresses worker safety and health complaints including concerns related to indoor air quality and workstation set up (ergonomics).

Incidents may be reported online or you may report the incident by calling at 480-965-1823 or 480-727-9669.

Please contact your department facilities specialist to be your department liaison in all matters.

Vehicle accidents (ASU vehicles, rental vehicles, or personal vehicles used for ASU business purposes) have the additional requirement for a written report despite the amount of damage, within 24 hours of the time of the accident. Use the forms supplied by the investigating officer at the scene of the accident, or those provided by Insurance Services.


File Reports Online Now