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Academic Contracts Office

Most students enrolled in undergraduate, graduate and post-baccalaureate programs offered at the Arizona State University Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation are required to complete clinical experiences. Clinicals take place in a variety of settings and allow students to hone professional skills as an integral part of their nursing education. Before engaging in a clinical experience, an affiliation agreement must be in place between Arizona State University and the clinical facility.

The first point of contact and primary resource for assistance with clinical affiliation agreements is the Academic Contracts Office (ACO). The ACO currently assists all programs within the Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation. The ACO works collaboratively with clinical sites, faculty, and program directors to ensure affiliation agreements are in place for all clinical placements. The ACO collaborates with other ASU Colleges and Schools when university-wide agreements are needed. The ACO coordinates efforts with the Office of Clinical Placement (OCP), Office of Risk Management (ORM), and Office of General Counsel (OGC) to manage the state and university requirements for affiliation agreements and clinical placements.

Hundreds of clinical affiliation agreements are processed and executed by Arizona State University every year. Many clinical facilities will accept the ASU Student Placement Agreement template. This standard template should be used whenever possible to help expedite the process. However, some facilities prefer to use their own nonstandard template agreement. In these cases, the ACO will review those templates, and with OCP, ORM, and OGC, modify those agreements as required by the state and university. This review process is both complicated and time-consuming. As a result, the ACO strongly recommends the use of the ASU Student Placement Agreement template.

When affiliation agreements using either the standard ASU template with modifications, or using a nonstandard template are ready for renewal, the ACO will work with the OCP, ORM, and OGC to review for compliance with current state and university policy.

Contact Us

Suzanne Martin
Contracts Manager

Important Links

 To determine if you need a clinical contract, please review the tutorial.

Clinical Contract Tutorial


To request a new affiliation agreement, please complete our Agreement Request Form.

Agreement Request Form

To view the status of nonstandard affiliation agreements, please see our Trello Dashboard.

Trello Dashboard

To search our existing affiliation agreements, please visit our EXXAT CCS database.

EXXAT CCS Database


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Last revised by Ashley Erbes on Wednesday, September 20, 2023 - 5:05pm