Contact your Business Services representative if you have questions.

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For Sponsored Projects, please contact your R.I.S.E representative.

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Business Services Contacts

Philip Carrano
Sr. Director, Business Services

Finance Team

Patrick Byler
Financial Specialist

Marisa Palmer
Zoom Phone Coming
Business Operations Specialist

Human Resources Team

Kecia Powell
Human Resources Specialist

Merari Gishie
Human Resources Specialist Senior

Johanna Kruckenberg
Zoom Phone Coming
Human Resources Specialist



Purchasing Cards (P-Cards)

The Purpose of a P-Card is for small purchases not exceeding $5,000.  You may use your P-Card to purchase anything that serves a business purpose, and is permissible by the rules and regulations set forth by ASU.



For local and state accounts, fill out the application, obtain the Director of Business Services' signature as the P-card Manager, and submit to your Business Office partner as they will be auditing your statements monthly.

For sponsored, RID and IIA accounts, contact for guidance. Note: it is not our practice to issue p-cards for sponsored accounts.



  • Each account is to be reconciled on a monthly basis to confirm that all expenditures are accurate and appropriate.
  • Each month you will receive your statement directly from JP Morgan Chase.
  • Complete the following for each statement:
    • Reconciliation Worksheet
    • Transaction Log
    • Missing Receipt Form
    • Attach all statements, itemized receipts, backup documentation, detailed descriptions of what was purchased, and extensive explanation as to how the items were used and the ASU Public benefit/purpose.  Submit this reconciliation to your Business Services partner within 2 weeks of receiving your statement. P-cards that are not consistently reconciled in a timely manner will be reduced to zero balances at the discretion of the Business Services Team.


  • Provide a detailed business purpose
  • Original itemized invoice and/or receipt (proof of what was purchased)
  • Supporting documentation (examples):
    • Participant list
    • Flyer or email of event taking place
    • Business Meals Form
    • Meeting Agenda
    • Travel Authorization


  • An expenditure that is reasonable, ordinary and necessary to conduct ASU’s business is allowed to be used using ASU funds
  • When providing justification for “business purpose” for the expenditure, please provide
  • why the expenditure was incurred, it reasonableness and how it benefitted ASU
  • Why provide a business purpose?
    • Without supporting documentation the business office is unable to identify the business purpose and purchases may be considered personal or unallowable
    • When giving a business purpose as yourself this question... if an auditor were to come in would he and/or she be able to identify what was purchased, what it was for, and why?


  • Charges that are restricted on a p-card.
  • Purchase of restricted/ unallowable items can result in violation of policies and possible cancellation of the P-Card
    • If you make a purchase that is restricted and not allowed on a p-card, please contact your Business Services partner immediately to rectify.
      • If a charge on a p-card needs to be moved to a different account or sub-org than the one that is automatically billed to that card, please email immediately after charging so that the expense can be moved in in PaymentNet before it hits your account incorrectly.


As of June 12th, all PCard increase requests for transactions over $5,000 should be submitted via ServiceNow instead of submitting via email. The new form can be found here

Questions and Monthly Credit Limit OR a Monthly & Daily Transaction Limit increase requests, should continue to be e-mailed to


Go to Website




The JP Morgan Statement is only required if there were purchases made during the billing cycle. 

  • Attach the JP Morgan Statement to compare your purchases to your receipts.


Reconciliation Worksheet is only required if there were purchases made during the billing cycle.

  • All fields need to be completed (Department, Cardholder Name, Advantage Account #, Last 4 # of Card, P-Card Manager Name). 
  • Answer whether all items are reconciled, and if they are not, then complete the Missing Documentation section. 
  • Enter the Statement Period.
  • Sign and date.


Transaction Log is only required if there were purchases made during the billing cycle.

  • All fields need to be completed (Transaction Date, Vendor Name, Materials/Service Description, Business Purpose- This section needs to be specific and as detailed as possible, Total Cost).
  • Both the Cardholder Signature and the Supervisor Signature are needed.  I will sign as the Reviewer.


Business Meal Form is only required if food was purchased during the billing cycle.

  • Clearly justify why this meal was necessary and how it benefitted the University.
  • Provide a complete list of all attendees.
  • Authorized Account Signer Signature is needed.
  • The receipt needs to be itemized.
  • Tips cannot exceed 20%.
  • Food can only be purchased on a local account (FG2, FG5, FG9).  If your card is tied to a State account (FG1) food purchases are prohibited.


Missing Receipt Form is only required if there is no receipt for a purchase made during the billing cycle.

  • Clearly justify how the purchase benefitted the University.
  • Authorized Account Signer signature is needed.


Responsibilities & Policies


  1. Maintains purchasing card(s) (p-card) in a secure location.
  2. Notifies the Purchasing Card Administrator when employment status changes (transfer to another department/campus, is leaving the University).
  3. Initiates all p-card transactions in compliance with all relevant university policies and procedures including the Purchasing & Business Services Policies & Procedures Manual (PUR) , the Purchasing Card – A Guide for Users and the Financial Services Polices & Procedures Manual (FIN) as well as any department specific internal policies and/or processes.
  4. Maintains supporting documentation for all transactions.
  5. Attaches required and/or relevant documentation to receipts, invoices etc.
  6. Ensures that the business purpose of each purchase is either clearly evident, or documented.
  7. Reviews their monthly p-card statement to ensure all transactions are accurate and valid.
  8. Attaches documentation (e.g. vendor invoices, receipts, business meal forms) to support each transaction on the statement.
  9. Ensures that no charges have been split in order to circumvent p-card daily or transactional spending limits.
  10. Signs the P-Card Statement Reconciliation Worksheet, signifying their review.
  11. Forwards the signed P-Card Statement Reconciliation Worksheet with supporting documentation to the reviewer, maintaining a copy for their records.  The cardholder needs to have the documents to the reviewer within 1 or 2 weeks of receiving the statement so that the secondary review can be performed timely.  Failure to submit info timely to the reviewer may result in cancellation of the p-card.


Reviewer duties are best performed by someone in a business manager or related position who has a complete knowledge of ASU policies and procedures, and who has the authority to question transactions of others (reviewer should not be a direct report of the cardholder). A reviewer cannot function in this capacity for their own p-card statement. Review duties are:

  1. Maintains a control list of all p-cards that have been issued in the area for which they have ‘p-card reviewer’ responsibility.
  2. Reviews the control list to make sure a monthly statement is received for each card that has been issued. Statements are not issued when there are no transactions charged to the card during a particular month. If no statement is received, the reviewer asks the cardholder to confirm whether or not there were any p-card transactions for the month. (Departments can also run a financial data warehouse query to see if there were any transactions for a particular cardholder during a particular month. Your Financial Services accountant can assist you with this query.)
  3. Reviews each P-Card Statement Reconciliation Worksheet to make sure the cardholder has signed it.
  4. Reviews the statement to ensure that supporting documentation is attached for each purchase, and the documentation adequately supports the charges, including the business nature of the transaction.
  5. Requests additional documentation for any transaction that appears to be personal in nature, and is not fully explained in the provided documentation.
  6. Is knowledgeable of PUR, Purchasing Card, and FIN policies and procedures and confirms that all transactions appear to follow all relevant university policies and procedures, are of an appropriate nature to be charged to a p-card and are allowable based on the type of account the card is tied to (state vs. local vs. sponsored, etc.).
  7. Signs and dates each P-Card Statement Reconciliation Worksheet, signifying their review.
  8. Forwards the signed P-Card Statement Reconciliation Worksheet to the appropriate departmental   area for filing.
  9. Financial Services also strongly recommends that the department seek a third-level review from a senior management/business official within their area to help ensure that transactions are allowable, supported by a public purpose, within budget and appropriate for the department, etc.


  1. The reviewer contacts the appropriate administrator for guidance on next steps. This should at a minimum be a dean’s office or director’s office.
  2. Purchases that cannot be fully documented as to having a valid ASU business purpose must be immediately and fully reimbursed by the cardholder into the account that is linked to the p-card incurring the expense. Documentation of the reimbursement (including the cashier’s receipt from ASU Cashiering Services) needs to be filed with the P-Card Statement Reconciliation Worksheet that included the original expense which is being reimbursed. Note: Expenses that have no ASU business purpose cannot be reimbursed with funds on deposit at the ASU Foundation, or any other ASU affiliated organization such as the Sun Angels Foundation or ASU Alumni Association.

Repeated instances of personal use by a cardholder must be reported to the Purchasing Card Administrator, and may result in the cancellation of the cardholder’s p-card. It is important to remember that the Arizona Board of Regents (ABOR) has stressed that accountability for adherence to policies and procedures rests not only with the cardholder, but also the designated reviewer.  If inappropriate and/or personal transactions have occurred that were not detected and reported through the regular performance of the reviewer’s duties, then the reviewer and cardholder may both be subject to disciplinary action. 


Financial Services recommends areas file all purchasing card statements and support in a central administrative area, rather than with each cardholder. This allows for and promotes a third-level review beyond that of the p-card manager or designated secondary reviewer.  It also facilitates reviews by outside parties or periodic “audits” performed by senior management of that department/area.  If that is the preference of the area, cardholders need to maintain a copy of their statements and supporting documentation (see #11 under cardholder duties) until receipt of the original statements and documentation by the central administrative area has been confirmed. This confirmation needs to be maintained by the cardholder and serves as their receipt that the ownership of the statements and documentation has been transferred, per departmental policy.  Responsibilities of the central administrative area include: 

  1. Maintaining control of all p-card statements and supporting documentation for a minimum of 5 years. Please check with Grants & Contracts Accounting for retention requirements for cards linked to a sponsored grant or contract account.
  2. Ensuring that each P-Card Statement Reconciliation Worksheet is timely signed by both the cardholder and secondary reviewer.  Performing reviews of supporting documentation to ensure that charges are appropriate and supported by a public purpose.  Indicating review by signing each P-Card Statement Reconciliation Worksheet as “third reviewer”.
  3. Providing copies of requested statements and/or support to areas performing reviews (Financial Services, Purchasing & Business Services, Office of the General Counsel) or audits (University Audit and Advisory Services, Arizona Board of Regents Internal Auditors, State of Arizona Office of the Auditor General (AG’s Office)). Please note, Financial Services acts as the liaison between ASU departments and the AG’s Office. Requests for documentation for AG’s Office audits or reviews will typically come from Financial Services. If a request comes directly from the AG’s Office, we ask that you notify Financial Services.


Another useful tool for monitoring p-card transactions is JPMorgan’s online system, PaymentNet.  Purchases post first to PaymentNet based on the vendor’s Merchant Category Code (MCC) and a mapping application to place the item in a default expenditure code.  Each transaction stays in PaymentNet for five business days prior to posting to Advantage, allowing for users to add a sub-org and/or change the expense to the most appropriate expenditure code before it hits ASU’s financial system.  Utilizing PaymentNet not only avoids the need for processing transfers in Advantage (IX or JV transactions), but it allows for timely identification of errors and/or fraudulent charges.  By reviewing PaymentNet regularly (such as at least weekly), questionable transactions can be identified and formally disputed with JPMorgan much more timely.  The purchasing card administrative team can set-up cardholders and/or reviewers with the appropriate PaymentNet access levels, as well as train them on the queries and reports available.