Alternative Work Schedules

The Standard Workweek
The standard workweek for full-time (1.0 FTE) nonexempt employees is 40 hours, during five eight-hour days.

Alternative Schedules
Alternative schedules are non-standard work arrangements that include but are not limited to the following options:

  • Four 10-hour days
  • Nine-day, 80-hour schedule over two workweeks (exempt employees only)
  • Staggered start and stop times
  • Working on weekends/evenings
  • Working during second or third shifts during specific hours determined within the unit
  • Working shifts with shortened lunch periods.
  • Hybrid - minimum of 60% of their regular workweek at their primary ASU work location
  • Full remote - every workday or regularly scheduled workdays working at a site different from the
    regularly assigned ASU work location


Changing an Employee’s Work Schedule
Department leadership may alter an employee’s schedule to provide necessary support services to the university community, to expedite a unit’s work flow, or to accommodate an individual employee’s needs. As a courtesy to employees, and to allow them to plan appropriately, it is recommended that supervisors provide sufficient notice when changing an employee’s work schedule. In an emergency, supervisors may change an employee’s work schedule without notice.

ASU Flexible Work Arrangements

Last revised by Luis Gray-Gomez on Tuesday, May 23, 2023 - 10:51am